If there is already an old favicon.ico file in your current theme’s main folder, delete it using FTP Clients. With an FTP Client, upload the new favicon.ico file into your current theme’s main folder. Upload another copy of your favicon.ico file to the main directory...
In NextGen Options, go to Effects. Next to JavaScript Thumbnail effect, select Custom Next to Link Code line, type rel=”shadowbox[%GALLERY_NAME%]” Click on Save Changes for example: from: class=”shutterset_%GALLERY_NAME%” to:...
Or white text in white background in editor? Just put the line below at the end of your wpconfig.php. define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); via [wordpress.org]
File .htaccess su Register.it Quando utlizzate la tecnica denominata URL Rewriting, affinchè questa tecnica possa funzionare, è necessario che nella root del nostro sito sia presente il file .htaccess. Se un sito è ospitato su un server di register.it e vi assumete i...
Q. Safari on iPhone automatically creates links for strings of digits that appear to the telephone numbers. I am writing a web page containing an IP address, and Safari is turning that into a phone number link. Is it possible to disable this behavior for a whole page...