If you dual boot your Windows PC with OS X or Linux, you may have experienced a problem in which your clocks reset themselves incorrectly every time you boot into Windows. Here’s a simple registry edit to fix that. Essentially, the incorrect clock setting...
Or white text in white background in editor? Just put the line below at the end of your wpconfig.php. define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); via [wordpress.org]
Enable the Debug Menu in Disk Utility Quit Disk Utility if it is open. Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities. Enter the following command at the Terminal prompt: defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 1 Press enter or return. Close...
Privacy potenzialmente a rischio sul Mac per colpa del file di quarantena, un documento che conserva sul disco fisso la cronologia di tutti i download fatti finora , anche quelli in modalità di Navigazione Privata e scaricati prima dell’aggiornamento a Lion....