Enable the Debug Menu in Disk Utility
- Quit Disk Utility if it is open.
- Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities.
- Enter the following command at the Terminal prompt:
defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 1
- Press enter or return.
- Close Terminal.
The next time you launch Disk Utility, the Debug menu will be available.
If you wish to turn the Debug menu off again, perform the following steps.
Disable the Debug Menu in Disk Utility
- Quit Disk Utility if it is open.
- Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities.
- Enter the following command at the Terminal prompt:
defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 0
- Press enter or return.
- Close Terminal.
That’s all there is to enabling or disabling the Disk Utility Debug menu.
via [macs.about.com]